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Merchant Services

Benefit from an all-in-one EPOS and payment solution that brings everything together under one roof.

Tired of juggling different EPOS and payment providers? Make the switch to Cunninghams EPOS Group, where you’ll receive an all-in-one EPOS, payment and support solution that brings everything together under a one roof.

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Reduced Costs
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No Hidden Charges
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Simple Set Up

We’ve helped our clients save up to 30% on their operational costs by consolidating their EPOS
and payments management.

A totally transparent payments solution. No hidden
transaction fees.

Take payments in no time with
the latest EPOS and android chip & PIN technology, designed with convenience, security (P2PE compliant)
and simplicity in mind.


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Easy Switch
Integrated Payments
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Currently committed to another provider? We might be able to cover the cost of buying out your contract.

Say goodbye to manual order input on your EPOS and
card terminal. I
ntegrate payments to eliminate errors,
speed up service and save on missed revenue.

Benefit from on-site, remote diagnostics and telephone
calls from our highly skilled team. Plus an account
manager by your side, as a dedicated point of contact

You’ll Benefit From

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Pay-As-You-Go Payment Fees
Enhanced Customer Experience

No minimum monthly payment fees – only pay when your customers transact.

Offer convenient ‘pay at table’, cashback, tips and Card Not Present (CNP) transactions.

Lets Talk

Find out how much you could save on your card processing fees. Get in touch with our team today!

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